David konstan reading politics in suetonius biography

David konstan reading politics in suetonius biography pdf

Abstract This article discusses the relationship of Tacitus to his younger contemporary Suetonius, challenging the view that Suetonius wrote a ‘supplement’ to the historian.

david konstan reading politics in suetonius biography

David konstan reading politics in suetonius biography

"Reading Politics in Suetonius" published on by Brill.

David konstan reading politics in suetonius biography wikipedia

For a contrasting view see David Konstan, “Reading Politics in Suetonius,” in Writing Politics in Imperial Rome, W.J. Dominik, J. Garthwaite, and P.A. Roche, eds.

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Guides the reader from 4th-century BCE Greece to the Gospels and the lives of 3rd-century CE intellectuals.